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How to Buy Ice Cream Makers

Introduction to Ice Cream Makers, Benefits & Uses

How to Buy Ice Cream Makers

There’s something magical about a freshly churned scoop of ice cream. The texture, the flavors, and the ability to make it just how you like it—ice cream makers bring all these luxuries right to your kitchen. Why settle for store-bought varieties laden with artificial ingredients when you can create your personalized frozen delights? The surge of DIY food culture has brought ice cream makers into mainstream culinary action, making them a beloved kitchen appliance. In this guide, we walk you through How to Buy Ice Cream Makers.

(Image Credit: Amazon, White Mountain Products)

The benefits of having an ice cream maker go beyond just creating creamy delights. You can explore frozen yogurts, gelatos, and even vegan-friendly sorbets. Additionally, you have full control over the ingredients, offering a healthier option for your family. Ice cream makers are a boon for people with food allergies, as custom recipes can cater to specific dietary needs.

Now, we understand that the abundance of options might leave you in a brain freeze. Therefore, this guide aims to give you comprehensive insights on how to buy an ice cream maker that suits your needs perfectly. With the right ice cream maker, not only can you satisfy your cravings, but you can also become a frozen dessert maestro in no time!

Types of Ice Cream Makers

Traditional Bucket Ice Cream Makers

The old-school bucket-style ice cream maker brings back memories of family gatherings and hand-cranked deliciousness. You’ll need to prepare by getting a bag of ice and rock salt, which are essential for freezing your ice cream mixture. These models either come with a manual crank or a motor to do the churning for you. They’re less expensive but require more prep time. Tip: Experiment with different types of salt to get unique textures.

Example: White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Maker

Canister Models or Freezer Bowl Ice Cream Makers

Canister models come with a removable bowl that you need to pre-freeze for several hours or overnight. They’re the perfect entry-level ice cream makers for those who might not want to invest a lot of money right away. Simplicity is the main advantage here. Expert tip: Pre-chill your ice cream mixture in the fridge before adding it to the frozen canister to speed up the process.

Example: Cuisinart

Compressor Ice Cream Makers

Compressor models are essentially the Ferraris of ice cream makers. They come with a built-in freezer, eliminating the need for pre-freezing bowls or buying ice. You pour in the mixture, and the machine does the rest, freeing you up to focus on other tasks. They are an investment but offer the most convenience. Tip: Use the pre-cooling function if available to achieve optimal texture.

Example: Breville Smart Scoop

Soft Serve Ice Cream Makers

Soft serve machines produce ice cream that is, well, softer and less dense than traditional ice cream. They are a hit at children’s parties and often come with multiple spouts for different flavors. Expert tip: Serve the ice cream immediately to enjoy its characteristic creamy, soft texture.

Gelato Makers

If you’re an aficionado of Italian desserts, a gelato maker is a must. These machines churn at a slower speed, ensuring that less air is incorporated into the mix, making the gelato dense and rich. Expert tip: For authentic Italian gelato, opt for whole milk over cream.

Example: Ninja CREAMi NC300EU

Frozen Yogurt Makers

These machines are similar to ice cream makers but tailored to churn frozen yogurt to perfection. Many models offer a tangy cycle that helps to culture the yogurt before freezing. Tip: Use Greek yogurt for a creamier, richer texture.

Example: Yogurt Maker

Vegan Ice Cream Makers

These models are designed with plant-based diets in mind. They are engineered to handle the unique textures and consistencies of ingredients like almond milk, coconut milk, or cashew cream. Tip: Soak your cashews or almonds before blending them for smoother results.

This guide aims to arm you with everything you need to know to select the best ice cream maker for your needs. Remember, the right machine not only meets your current requirements but also leaves room for your culinary creativity to soar.

How to Buy Ice Cream Makers: Key Features to Consider

The thought of enjoying homemade ice cream whenever the craving strikes is nothing short of a dream. But before you dive into this delicious escapade, choosing the right ice cream maker can be more nuanced than it appears. We’re talking about more than just churning cream and sugar; we’re talking about the art of ice cream making. So, here’s a guide that focuses on the most important features to consider when buying your ice cream maker.

Types of Ice Cream Makers

From traditional bucket-style to modern compressor models, knowing which type suits your lifestyle is the first feature to consider. Each has its pros and cons, from the prep time involved to the consistency of the final product. Take a look at the previous section for an exhaustive list.

Churn Time

The amount of time it takes to churn a batch varies from one machine to another. While some high-end models can whip up a creamy delight in 20 minutes, others might take up to 40 minutes or more. It’s not just about impatience; longer churn times can affect the ice cream’s texture.


How much ice cream do you need? Most models offer a range from 1 to 2 quarts, but commercial machines can go beyond that. If you have a large family or frequently entertain guests, opt for a model with higher capacity.

Freezing Method

Understanding the freezing method is akin to knowing the secret behind a chef’s signature dish. Whether you go for the rock salt and ice method, a pre-frozen bowl, or a built-in compressor, each has its unique influence on the end product’s texture and flavor.

Noise Level

As a midnight ice cream-making aficionado, I can tell you that the noise level can be a deal-breaker. Some models are so quiet you’ll forget they’re on, while others sound like a mini jackhammer. Trust me, your sleeping family will thank you for considering this feature.

Ease of Cleaning

Some machines are more finicky than others when it comes to cleaning. Look for models with removable bowls and churners, as they are generally easier to wash and maintain.

Materials and Durability

Stainless steel or plastic? The material not only dictates the look but also impacts durability. Stainless steel models are generally more robust but come with a higher price tag.

Energy Efficiency

Not all machines are created equal in terms of energy consumption. Check the wattage and compare it to the churn time and capacity to gauge its efficiency. It’s an excellent way to be kind to your pocket and the environment.

Extra Features

Some ice cream makers are multitaskers capable of making gelato, sorbet, or frozen yogurt. If you’re an experimental soul in the kitchen like me, this feature is a culinary playground.


It’s the elephant in the room but one that can’t be ignored. Ice cream makers can range from affordable to luxurious, so it’s essential to find a balance between features and your budget.

Brand Reputation

Stick with brands known for quality and customer service. It might be tempting to go for a cheaper, lesser-known brand, but investing in reliability often pays off in the long run.

Warranty and Customer Service

Consider the warranty and availability of customer service. Knowing that you’re covered if something goes wrong can be the cherry on top of your ice cream-making experience.

User Reviews

Never underestimate the power of collective wisdom. User reviews offer invaluable insights into aspects you might not have considered, like ease of use or durability.

Recipe Booklet

Some models come with a recipe booklet to kickstart your journey. As someone who found her ultimate mint chocolate chip recipe in such a booklet, I can’t emphasize enough how helpful they can be.

Digital Timer and Controls

For those who love precision, digital controls can make the process easier and more consistent. Look for models with pre-set functions for different types of frozen treats.


If you’re planning to take your ice cream maker to family gatherings or picnics, look for a portable design. Yes, I’ve done this, and yes, it was the life of the party.

Safety Features

Safety first! Look for models with child locks or automatic shutoff features to ensure a worry-free operation.

Customization Options

Some high-end models allow you to customize churning speed, temperature, and more. It’s the equivalent of having a personal chef adapt to your specific tastes.

By considering these features, you’ll not only find the perfect machine to meet your needs but elevate your culinary prowess to new levels. Happy churning!


What’s the difference between churn time and capacity?

Churn time refers to how long it takes for the machine to convert your mixture into ice cream. A shorter churn time often means quicker gratification and potentially better texture. Capacity, on the other hand, is the volume of ice cream the machine can make in a single batch. If you’re making ice cream for a crowd, you’ll want to focus on higher capacity.

Is noise level a significant factor to consider?

Yes, noise level is surprisingly important. You don’t want your ice cream-making session to sound like a construction site, especially if you’re doing it late at night. I’ve had experiences where the machine was so loud it woke up the household. Opt for quieter models if you prefer a more peaceful process.

Are extra features like making gelato or sorbet important?

For the versatile home chef, having a machine that can churn out gelato, sorbet, or frozen yogurt is invaluable. It opens up opportunities for culinary creativity. However, if you’re an ice cream purist, you might find these additional features unnecessary.

How does the material of the ice cream maker impact its performance?

Material quality can affect both durability and heat conductivity. Stainless steel components often last longer and are more efficient at maintaining temperature. However, they also make the appliance heavier and more expensive. Plastic parts can wear out faster but are lighter and usually less expensive.

How does energy efficiency affect my electricity bill?

Energy efficiency is not just eco-friendly; it’s also wallet-friendly. Lower wattage combined with shorter churn time can lead to noticeable savings over time. You’d be surprised how the watts add up if you’re making ice cream frequently.

What’s the significance of digital controls in ice cream makers?

Digital controls bring an extra layer of precision to your ice cream making. They often come with preset options and timer settings, allowing you to multitask in the kitchen more efficiently. I find them particularly useful for recipes that require specific temperatures or churn speeds.

Should I focus on brand reputation when making a decision?

Absolutely. Brands with a longstanding reputation usually offer higher quality products and better customer service. They might cost a bit more upfront, but the long-term benefits generally outweigh the initial investment.

How important are safety features in an ice cream maker?

Safety features like auto-shutoff or child locks are critical, especially in households with kids or pets. I’ve had experiences where a curious child wanted to “explore” the machine, and a safety lock would have saved a lot of cleanup time.

Do I need to consider portability?

If you’re like me and love making ice cream on the go, a portable machine is a game-changer. Some models are compact enough to take on a picnic or family gathering, turning you into an instant party hero.

Why should I care about user reviews?

User reviews offer real-world insights that you won’t find in product descriptions. They provide a broader perspective on performance, durability, and user experience. I always dive into reviews to check for any recurring issues or valuable tips from other users.

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