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How to Buy Microwave Ovens

Ultimate guide to buying a Kitchen Essential for the Modern Cook

How to Buy Microwave Ovens

The microwave oven has become a staple in kitchens around the world, and it’s easy to see why. This versatile appliance revolutionizes the way we cook and consume food, offering a convenience that was unimaginable just a few decades ago. While microwave ovens were initially dismissed as mere gadgets for reheating leftovers or defrosting frozen foods, their advanced features and functionalities now prove they’re so much more than that. From quick-cooking meals to baking, grilling, and even fermentation, the modern microwave oven wears multiple hats with ease. Add in energy efficiency, and you have an appliance that’s indispensable for the contemporary household. In this guide, we look at How to Buy Microwave Ovens.

With the myriad of options available, choosing the right microwave oven can be a daunting task. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore various types of microwave ovens, their features, and expert advice to make an informed choice.

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Types of Microwave Ovens

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Solo Microwave Ovens

The most basic among the lot, solo microwave ovens are excellent for simple cooking tasks like reheating, defrosting, and boiling water. They’re typically compact and affordable. However, these models lack features like grilling or convection cooking.

Tip: Solo microwaves are best suited for small families or bachelors who have minimal cooking needs. LG solo microwave ovens. or at Otto

Grill Microwave Ovens

How to Buy Microwave Ovens

The grill microwave ovens come with additional grilling accessories, allowing you to grill, roast, and toast your food. These are great for kebabs and other recipes that require a crispy exterior.

Tip: Although they offer grilling features, not all of these models are not ideal for baking. Browse the LG Grill Microwaves.

Convection Microwave Ovens

How to Buy Microwave Ovens

Equipped with a fan and a heating element, convection microwave ovens circulate hot air around the food, providing uniform cooking and allowing you to bake, brown, and crisp foods. This type is ideal for those who love baking but don’t want to invest in a full-sized oven. Explore top-rated convection microwave ovens on Amazon.

Over-the-Range Microwaves

Designed to double as a range hood, these microwaves save counter space and come with built-in ventilation systems. Tip: Ensure your kitchen layout can accommodate the installation needs for this type. Find the best over-the-range microwaves on Amazon.

Built-in Microwaves

How to Buy Microwave Ovens

Sleek and sophisticated, built-in microwaves integrate seamlessly into your kitchen cabinetry. While they offer a range of features, they can be on the expensive side. Expert tip: Make sure to measure the cabinetry space carefully before making a purchase. See top built-in microwave options on Amazon.

Countertop Microwave Ovens

Countertop microwaves are the most common and are designed to be placed on the kitchen counter. These are generally affordable and easy to install. Expert tip: Always consider the available counter space before buying a countertop model. Discover the best countertop microwaves on Amazon.

Commercial Microwaves

Designed for heavy-duty use, commercial microwaves offer higher wattage and are built to last. Expert tip: These are not recommended for home use due to their size and power requirements. Check commercial microwaves here.

It’s important to note that the advancement in microwave technology has blurred the lines between different types. You can now find models that offer a combination of features from two or more types. Also, smart technology integration, like voice and app control, is increasingly becoming a standard feature in modern microwaves. Make sure to check for such features based on your specific needs.

Choosing a microwave oven should be an informed decision based on your cooking habits, kitchen space, and budget constraints. Now that you’re armed with this guide, you’re ready to make a choice that suits your needs best. Happy cooking!

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How to Buy Microwave Ovens: Key Features to Consider When Buying

So, you’ve decided it’s time for a new microwave oven. Whether you’re a cooking connoisseur or a reheating wizard, the devil is in the details, or in this case, the features. With a variety of options in wattage, modes, smart technology, and so on, your head might be spinning faster than the turntable in your old microwave. Fear not! I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you get the most bang for your buck, and a microwave that fits seamlessly into your culinary world.


Don’t underestimate the power of wattage. A higher wattage means faster cooking, which can be a real lifesaver on busy days. However, the flip side is higher electricity consumption. In my own kitchen, I have a 1000-watt microwave that delivers the perfect balance of speed and efficiency. The general rule is to aim for at least 900 watts for efficient cooking and reheating.

Size and Capacity

When I got my first apartment, I made the rookie mistake of buying a microwave that was too big for my kitchen counter. Measure your space and consider what you’ll be cooking. Microwaves range from 0.5 cubic feet to over 2 cubic feet. The smaller units are great for reheating and basic cooking, while the larger ones can accommodate multiple dishes.


A turntable is non-negotiable for even cooking. Gone are the days when I had to manually pause and rotate my dish for uniform heating. Nowadays, some microwaves even come with a rectangular tray instead of a turntable, offering more surface area for your food.

Pre-Programmed Settings

A feature that has been a game-changer for me is the pre-programmed settings for popcorn, pizza, and even melting chocolate. This takes the guesswork out of cooking and ensures you get consistent results every time. If you love convenience, look for microwaves with an extensive menu of pre-set options.

Inverter Technology

Inverter technology ensures that the cooking power is distributed more evenly. This is crucial if you’re tired of the edges of your food getting scorched while the middle remains cold. It’s particularly useful for defrosting without cooking the edges of your meat or fish.

Smart Features

Imagine a microwave that can sync with your Amazon Alexa or Google Home. That’s not science fiction—it’s reality. I’m loving how I can control my microwave’s settings without even lifting a finger. Although smart features might bump up the price, they’re worth considering if you love tech-savvy gadgets.

Ventilation System

Especially relevant for over-the-range microwaves, a good ventilation system can replace the need for a separate range hood. It removes smoke and odors from your kitchen, keeping the environment fresh. Trust me, your smoke alarm will thank you.

Child Safety Lock

As a parent, this is non-negotiable. A child safety lock is a feature that will give you peace of mind, especially if you have little ones roaming around. This feature requires a code to operate the microwave, preventing accidental usage.

Control Panel

Some microwaves have dial controls, while others have touch panels. I prefer the touch panel for its sleek design and precision, but a dial can be faster and more intuitive for some users. Assess what works best for you.

Convection Cooking

Ever wanted to bake but didn’t want to fire up your full-size oven? A microwave with a convection mode could be your new best friend. This function circulates hot air around your food, allowing for baking, roasting, and crisping.

Energy Efficiency

A microwave that’s Energy Star certified is not only better for the planet, but it’ll also save you money on your electricity bill in the long run. Features like a standby mode that uses less power when the microwave isn’t in use can make a significant difference.

Price and Warranty

Last but not least, consider your budget and the warranty. A good warranty can save you from unexpected repair costs. When it comes to the price, balance it against the features you need. In my experience, it’s better to spend a bit more for a reliable appliance than to scrimp and end up with a lackluster performer.

There you have it—a comprehensive guide to the must-consider features when buying a microwave oven. Whether you’re looking for a basic model or a tech-savvy smart appliance, knowing what to look for can make your shopping experience much smoother. So measure your space, decide on your must-haves, and get ready to bring home an appliance that will revolutionize your kitchen game. Happy shopping!

FAQs – How to Buy Microwave Ovens:

Is wattage crucial when selecting a microwave oven?

Absolutely, wattage plays a vital role in how efficiently a microwave oven operates. Higher wattage means faster cooking and reheating times. However, this often comes with a higher electricity consumption, so it’s a trade-off you’ll have to consider. For a decent balance, I’d recommend looking for a model with around 900-1200 watts.

What’s the difference between a convection and a solo microwave oven?

Convection microwave ovens are essentially two appliances in one, offering the features of a microwave oven combined with those of a convection oven. This allows for greater cooking versatility, including grilling and baking options. Solo microwave ovens are simpler and generally cheaper but are limited to basic reheating and defrosting tasks.

Is the turntable feature in a microwave necessary?

The turntable helps in cooking food more evenly by rotating it as it cooks. I’ve found that microwaves without a turntable often require you to manually pause cooking and turn the food yourself for even heating. So, yes, a turntable is definitely worth considering.

What are smart microwaves and are they worth the investment?

Smart microwaves connect to your Wi-Fi network and can be controlled via smartphone apps. While not everyone needs app-controlled cooking, the feature can be surprisingly useful. Imagine preheating your microwave on your way home or using voice commands to operate it. These conveniences can make it a worthwhile investment.

How essential is the pre-set cooking menu feature?

Pre-set cooking menus can make life easier for those who aren’t kitchen-savvy. They eliminate the guesswork from cooking by automatically setting the time and power levels for specific dishes. However, if you’re someone who likes more control, this feature might be less crucial for you.

Should I pay attention to the microwave’s interior material?

Absolutely. The interior material determines how easy it is to clean the appliance. Stainless steel is a popular choice for its durability and ease of cleaning, something I’ve personally come to appreciate.

Do I need a microwave with multi-stage cooking?

Multi-stage cooking allows you to set multiple cooking sequences — for example, defrosting and then cooking. It’s convenient for meals that require different power levels for optimal results. If you often find yourself wishing you could “set and forget” a complicated microwave routine, multi-stage cooking is for you.

Is a child safety lock important?

If you have young children, a child safety lock is non-negotiable. It’s an invaluable feature that can prevent accidents by locking the microwave’s controls. Even as a tech-savvy adult, I find this feature useful as an added layer of safety.

What’s the deal with inverter technology in microwaves?

Inverter technology allows for more precise control over the microwave’s power levels, leading to more evenly cooked food. If you’ve ever been frustrated by food that’s hot on the outside but cold on the inside, an inverter microwave can solve that problem for you.

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